Welcome to RNApdbee, a webserver to annotate secondary structures of knotted and unknotted RNAs.
RNApdbee runs according to the following scenarios:
- in "3D → (....)" the secondary structure of RNA is derived from its tertiary structure provided in PDB or PDBx/mmCIF file,
- in "2D → (....)" the secondary structure topology of RNA is derived from base pair list provided in BPSEQ or CT,
- in "(....) → image" the image is generated based on the secondary structure provided in dot-bracket notation,
- in "3D → multi 2D" a set of multiple secondary structures of RNA is derived from its tertiary structure provided in PDB or PDBx/mmCIF file, based on various results of intermediate processing steps.
In the first and the second scenario, the resulting secondary structure encoded in dot-bracket, BPSEQ and CT is immediately released together with visualization (if checked).
Upload RNA 3D structure:
– from Protein Data Bank